What is a 457(b) deferred compensation plan?
Who is eligible to enroll?
Why should I enroll in Ohio DC?
Does participation in Ohio DC affect my pension or retirement benefits?
What are the minimum and maximum contribution amounts?
What are my investment choices?
How do I change my contributions or make investment option changes?
What fees do I pay to participate in Ohio DC?
How do I keep track of my account?
What is a Saver’s Tax Credit?
How are Ohio DC’s assets protected from bankruptcy?
May I roll over my account from my former employer's plan?
May I use my Ohio DC account to purchase service credit for my pension plan?
When am I vested in Ohio DC?
What is an unforeseeable emergency?
What is a small balance distribution?
May I take a loan from my account?
Can I combine multiple Ohio DC accounts?
Can I use my account to pay for qualified health and/or long-term care insurance premiums?
Can I withdraw money from my account?
Is there a penalty for withdrawing before age 59½?
How does my participation in Ohio DC affect my taxes?
What is a Required Minimum Distribution?
Information provided by Retirement Planning Specialists and Account Executives is for educational purposes only and is not intended as investment advice.